Friday, March 22, 2013

Join RTI Movement Against AICTE Approved Self Financed Institutes

Application to provide information
Under RTI Act 2005
The Public Information Officer
AICTE, New Delhi

My Details are as under:
1.      Full Name:                      

2.      Postal Address:               
3.      Email id:                          

4.      Phone number :  

Details of Information required:
Respected sir,
The details I have asked for are also connecting thousands of library staff working in AICTE approved technical institutions.
So it is my humble request to you to (if possible) publish the answer of this RTI Application on the AICTE website.

I am requesting the information for the following points:
1.      How many technical institutions in India are currently running with the approval of AICTE .
2.      Is there any guideline for staff recruitment in AICTE approved institutes?
3.      What are the norms for recruitment of College Librarian for the AICTE approved technical institute?
4.      What is the ratio of Library staff required for the Libraries in AICTE approved institute?             (for e.g. At first year at least one Librarian, one Asst. Librarian and one peon etc…)
5.      According to the AICTE, What actions are applicable against institutions for not recruiting minimum library staff?
6.      According to the inspections performed in the year 2012, what actions have been taken by AICTE against such institutions for “not recruiting library staff as per AICTE guideline”?
7.       How many technical institutions have followed the guideline and recruited Library staff in the presence of “Recruitment Committee” in the year 2012.
8.      According to AICTE, what salary scale is applicable to the College librarian, and college assistant librarian for the AICTE approved technical institute?
9.      As per AICTE records for 2012, how many technical institutions in India are paying sixth pay scale to the Library Staff?
10.  What is the definition of teaching & non teaching staff; and academic & support staff according to AICTE?
11.  As per AICTE regulations for its approved colleges; What designations come under teaching staff and what are under non-teaching staff; or Academic staff and Non-academic (admin) staff?
12.  As per AICTE, College librarians are considered under Teaching Staff or Non-teaching Staff?
13.  Is there any circular by AICTE mentioning : -
(1) Minimum Number of Library staff required,
(2) Qualification of Library Staff,
(3) Pay-scale of Library Staff for AICTE approved Institutions?    
 If yes please provide copy.

Details of Postal order enclosed with this application.

Indian Postal Order No.
Date of PO
Name and place of Post Office
In favor of
(For E.g.)
92F 180777)
(For E.g.)
(For E.g.)
Sayajiganj, Vadodara
Accounts officer,
AICTE, New Delhi
Rs. 10/-
(Ten Rupees)

I am a bona fide citizen of India. I have no other citizenship elsewhere. The information requested is not exempted under section 8 and 9 of RTI Act. And the information given by me is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Date:                                                                                                              Yours Sincerely,
Copies enclosed:   1) original petition   2) Postal Order

How to make payment of RTI Application:
1.      Purchase one Postal Order worth Rs.10/- from any post office.
2.      Fill up necessary details with your address.
3.      Cross the Postal Order by marking two lines before “pay to” as shown here.
4.      Write the postal order number (e.g. here 92F 18077) with other details in your application.
5.      Detach the COUNTERFOIL and keep it with you. And affix the main Postal Order part with your application.